New Castle county library .... I heart you in many many ways.You have the best and diverse collection of reading materials.Here is a short stack of books I am reading this week.I am mentioning the one's I like
- Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren - Move over "50 shades of Grey" , beautiful bastard is here to stay.Does anybody else think that the 50 shades trilogy is so over-rated and may I even say a tad boring? Introducing beautiful bastard - its another twilight fan fiction offspring and trust me its actually much better than 50.Its on the same lines of a corporate romance but let me tell you , my heart was in my mouth no thanks to all the public places they indulge their "romance" in , for want of a better word.More exciting and also from a dual point of view, its a more M & B ish book.I like the heorine's sass ... 4 out of 5 stars.Image courtesy
- Ghouls gone wild by Victoria Laurie - Seriously , I am hooked on to the series.Even as I type, I am reading the third in this series. The premise is a gang of ghost busters who are working on a TV show called ghoul getters and travel around the world busting ghosts. Imaginatively and creepily written, its just what you need to shkae out of your slumber.Its fast paced and has a nice mystery angle to boot.This book is about a centuries old curse and some vengeful witches. Enjoy it along with a chocolate cone .An engaging read.Read one and read all by this author .5 out of 5 , it does spook me out at times.(Image courtesy