If there is one thing that unites us all , it is a great awareness that littering is our birthright.The typical Indian litterbug has nary a concern about littering the road with orange peels,candy wrappers and peanut shells.This is a complete "Business as Usual " for the Techie on the go or the health fanatic on the juicing diet.Littering, spitting, trashing, dumping and literally making a mess is nothing new. Who think’s of the environment, the children, garbage borne diseases like Dengue ? No one, right? No wonder, we have thousands of documentaries from the west depicting the sordid living conditions.
It all boils down to the same thought that though there is disparity in riches , we all breathe the same air, have the same water source and eat the same food which is grown on garbage strewn land. World reports indicate that this littering habit leads to respiratory and skin diseases.If we are all Indians, why do we treat India as such ?
Trust me , when I moved to Bangalore (as a case in point), I dreamed of a tech village with educated citizens abiding by their civic duty.I was appalled by the lack of ownership among these plutocrats.Wobbling on the two-wheeler and gliding on the pothole riddled streets , I was met with the salubrious odors of garbage, littering and waste.Its not uncommon to see dumping grounds on any open land.
So its time to move away from the public thoo thoo to no no littering. Here is something to keep in mind to avoid the tempation to dirty doings...
To litter or not , that is the question
Walking down a stinky stretch of road hampers my digestion
Little children , meant to play and prance
Dengue keeps them bedridden and a sickly trance
Clean , fresh air and greenery is everyone’s right
Lets build a world where littering is obliterated and it will be a beautiful sight
Its time to pledge to keep your surroundings clean and end the chaos
Invest in a little cloth bag to collect your litter and dispose
Then we will no longer be called litterbugs
And our future generations shall forever be thankful and shower us with hugs....
The solution to all this lies in “We the people” taking ownership of our areas and abiding by Mr.Modi’s vision of a “Swachh Bharat”.Remember, we will leave these habits and this country to our kids and their future generations.Kids need to be educated about not littering candy wrappers and fruit peels on the road.And, this realization must come from within.
Kids Hosting a litter march in Bangalore.Image courtesy www.hindu.com
This article is for indiblogger and you can find all about the Great Indian Litterbug at http://greatindian.timesofindia.com/
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