
Sunday, January 26, 2014

3 Apps for your periods

So we are back after a long hiatus...It’s been a roller coaster 6 months. The gist of it being "Relocation" aka moving bag and baggage to our Homeland .Now that the dust seems to be settling in we are going to be blogging again regularly - Hopefully...

This time around I want to talk about periods/ menses/ aunt flo /being down ... There are many monikers , but we talk very less about the process of going through it.It’s considered a routine thing but everyone who has a period every-month knows what a task it is.These days there are apps for everything, even a breastfeeding/ motion recording app from SIMILAC. Trust me I used it.....and you will too...if you are a first time mom. So, when I looked for period apps I was surprised to find a surfeit of tech tools for periods. Here is a short list of tools that I particularly liked 

(Image courtersy google images )
1.     Period Calendar / Tracker (rated as 4.5 stars by 630,712 people) this is the topmost period app available and is compatible with both ipods and android. It does much more than just tracking your period. You can just enter your last period date and length and hey presto it automatically predicts your next period and you next fertility date.
·        Record your period dates and predict future periods - Use as a pregnancy Planner by recording body temperature etc
·        You can track your moods and symptoms like acne etc. in case you need to visit the doc.
·        Manage your weight by entering and monitoring your weight in the log
·        It has a pregnancy Mode where it pauses your period anticipation and starts delivery countdown
·        Log into forums and exchange information with fellow users

2.     The Period Tracker (rated 4.5 stars by more than 45,000 people) this is compatible with both ipods and android. This is an interactive and feature rich app with a very eye catching interface. 
·        You can track your periods easily by pressing a button at the start of your period. It helps to predict your next period based upon data entered for the past 3 months ( that's great cause PMS may not be the only way to predict the start of the onslaught)
·        You can easily access all your current and future period dates 
·        Choose your moods and enter your symptoms
·        The best part is that it is discreet as it shows up only as a "P Tracker"

  1. My Cycles Period and Ovulation (rated 4.5 stars by 7,771 people)
·        This also has a discreet icon – a pink flower  
·        At the login itself it asks you whether you want to use it for ovulation or for period records .This is a fairly detailed tool for both uses
·        You can record various life events and if you are expecting you can also record symptoms for the same
·        More Geared towards pregnancy and ovulation

There are many more apps for period tracking and I will be covering some more of them but these essentially will fulfill your needs of period management, ovulation / fertility, weight records and connecting with various forums. 

All these tools are great for records but if you want to ensure period supplies without the hassle of remembering the dates or late night panic runs to the chemist then subscribe at for your monthly essentials without the hassles. 

An innovative concept – freedommantra , India’s first monthly period subscription service aims to cover your monthly needs without any stress. Just subscribe and enter your next period date and the items will be delivered at your doorstep in a discreet package , leaving you to enjoy your periods.

1 comment:

  1. Umm i would make my wife read this one in d future....thanks
