Its been a hard days night and I've been craving.......
Its been a long and sometimes arduous journey across post par tum paunch punch out.....
Ive been following the route of Gym and Zumba classes et al but this week on a smart start session at my Y my octogenarian trainer suggested I amp it up and embrace weights also.
So what did I do... went and grabbed the pinkest set of Dumbells... Hi Girlfriends... Even my Baby is into it.. So much so that shes even pumping muscles yet
So here's the Plan .. I am going to continue my Zumba , Kickboxing and Musce Pump Classes with Jillian Michaels Shred in 30 Days
Here is the link on youtbe for Level 1 - trust me start from there as I just did level 2 and its Killer. There are 3 levels.. Once you are level 1 then you can search and go on from there
Here is Level 1
Here is Level 2 Killer
Finally Level 3 ... Once I complete 30 days of this Regime I am going to post some info on the same. Hold me on to that
Its been a long and sometimes arduous journey across post par tum paunch punch out.....
Ive been following the route of Gym and Zumba classes et al but this week on a smart start session at my Y my octogenarian trainer suggested I amp it up and embrace weights also.
So what did I do... went and grabbed the pinkest set of Dumbells... Hi Girlfriends... Even my Baby is into it.. So much so that shes even pumping muscles yet
So here's the Plan .. I am going to continue my Zumba , Kickboxing and Musce Pump Classes with Jillian Michaels Shred in 30 Days
Here is the link on youtbe for Level 1 - trust me start from there as I just did level 2 and its Killer. There are 3 levels.. Once you are level 1 then you can search and go on from there
Here is Level 1